Orlando Real Estate Law Blog
Understanding the eminent domain process
The last thing a property owner in Florida wants to see happen to their property is see it taken away from them. However, that is what could happen if the government seeks to use a private property owner's property for the benefit of the public. Through the act of...
Guiding you through zoning issues in an eminent domain action
Property owners in Florida seek to maintain or increase the value of their property. There are many steps one can take to make his or her individual property hold more value. However, there are certain land use and zoning laws that could also impact the valuation of...
Couple wins lengthy battle over use of land
Owning one's own property often means that a Florida resident may exercise a great deal of authority over how that property is maintained and for what purposes it is used. As readers of this blog know, however, municipalities may limit the permissible uses of various...
Steps to ridding yourself of squatters
The first thing to understand about squatters, is that they’re pests who disrupt your property from running smoothly and properly. A squatter taking over your property is very real, and it can become increasingly difficult to remove them if you can’t stay a step...
Legal support for late summer moves
While it is often the case that Florida residents look for homes where they expect to live for the long-term, it is not unusual for changes to happen in their lives that may necessitate moves. For example, a divorce or remarriage, a job transfer or change or even the...
How may ordinances impact a property owner’s rights?
Individuals who keep up with this Florida-based real property and eminent domain legal blog likely recognize that there are many ways a property owner's use of their land may be limited. From covenants built into residential homeowners' associations to zoning laws...
The difference between a property taking and a property seizure
Whenever the government assumes the possession of a person's land, the original property owner may be deprived of their use and enjoyment of it. Florida residents may lose their land when it is seized due to government action or is taken under eminent domain. This...
A variance may help a landowner effectively use their property
It is an erroneous assumption that once Florida residents acquire a parcel of land they may do whatever they want with it. While most individuals only want to build their own homes or construct commercial spaces, others may have greater plans that do not conform to...
Florida’s eminent domain laws still protect property owners
Owning a little slice of land is all part of the American Dream. United States citizens have the ability to purchase land and invest in real estate, but many do not realize that the governmental powers that be have the ability to take back that property by claiming...
Not all easements transfer with property sales
Easements are important land use and property tools that allow individuals to use the land of others in permissible ways. For example, a Florida resident may have easement rights to cross their neighbor's land to get to a shared road other property-based benefit....