How may ordinances impact a property owner’s rights?
Individuals who keep up with this Florida-based real property and eminent domain legal blog likely recognize that there are many ways a property owner’s use of their land may be limited. From covenants built into residential homeowners’ associations to zoning laws that affect entire municipalities, how a property owner uses and enjoys their land may be affected by different regulatory bodies and documents. Ordinances are another form of limitation that could affect how a person is able to develop and use their own property.
Some ordinances are in place to keep property owners from harming each other’s rights. For example, if a neighborhood has a beautiful view then an ordinance may be put into place to prevent neighbors from obstructing each other’s abilities to see the desirable view. These ordinances are often called view ordinances and can impact how and where property owners let trees grow.
Other ordinances may affect how property owners contain their land. Some communities have ordinances that regulate fence heights. Many municipalities do not allow fences over six feet tall and some communities impose restrictions on how close personal property fences may be to roads and public spaces.
Zoning, ordinances, covenants and a myriad of other restrictive rules and regulations may change how a property owner is able to use, develop and enjoy their own land. When restrictions impact a person’s ability to do these actions, they may wish to investigate their legal options for finding help with their problems. An attorney who works in land use and real estate law may serve as an effective counselor to someone who is struggling to overcome restrictive ordinance issues with their land.