Full Compensation For Private Property Owners

Full Compensation For Property Owners

In addition to the value of the property taken, full compensation also potentially entitles the property owner to reimbursement for moving costs to remove items from the property taken, severance damages, Amendment 10 Homestead property tax cap loss, interest, attorney’s fees and costs of expert witnesses.

The issues in eminent domain proceedings are to determine what full compensation is for both the property taken and for damages to the remaining property. The damages to the remainder are called severance damages and are measured by the reduction in the value of the remaining property due to loss of the condemned portion.

Additionally, the owner is entitled to interest, at the statutory rate, from the date of the taking until full payment is made. If the case involves an Order of Taking, the owner is entitled to interest, at the statutory rate, on the difference between the amount of the good faith deposit and the amount of the verdict, for the period between the date of surrender of possession to the date of payment of the final judgment.

The variables governing the full compensation due to you are complex, governed by numerous statutes. Only an experienced eminent domain
has the resources and knowledge to sort out the laws and get you everything you deserve.

If you want to maximize your compensation, contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. Our attorneys represent private property owners facing condemnation throughout the State of Florida. We don’t charge for an initial consultation and the government has to pay your court costs and our attorneys’ fees in most cases.

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