Understanding construction defects and your recourse
While many Florida residents aspire to purchase the perfect home, others prefer designing and constructing their dream home. Building a home can be a lengthy task, as there are many components that go into constructing a house. Thus, this opens up the possibility that something might go wrong at a certain phase in the building process. And, if construction defects occur, it not only creates setbacks but could compromise the overall value of the finished home.
Construction defects can occur when errors are made at different phases in the construction of a home. These defects could lead to serious problems, such as unstable or cracked foundations, water intrusion and uneven surfaces caused by expansive soil.
There are four main types of construction defects. To begin, there are design defects, which are caused when designs drafted by an architect or engineer are not properly executed. The next is material defects, which occur when poorly designed or manufactured materials are used. This could cause leaky windows or deteriorated flashing. The third type is construction defects, which occur when the workmanship is substandard. The final type is subsurface defects, which occur when builders fail to account for shifting soil.
When a construction defect occurs, it is important to understand the source. This can help a homeowner take appropriate steps to hold a party accountable and recover losses.
Real estate matters, especially those involving construction defects, can get complex rather quickly. Thus, it is important to take the time to fully understand the matter and what rights you have. It may be possible to seek legal recourse, helping to offset the damages suffered from the defects.