Legal representation for those facing real estate disputes
Property ownership is a goal of many Florida residents, and while some individuals hope to buy their own homes, others aggressively pursue commercial real estate opportunities to grow their wealth. Buying and selling real estate is a big business in the state, and in order to successfully negotiate the purchase of a property, a person must work with the seller to find terms that are agreeable to both parties. As readers can expect, problems are not uncommon during these negotiations.
However, even when a person does complete a real estate transaction, they may still face problems with the security of their property. They may squabble with their neighbors over border and easement issues, or they may run into problems with their local municipalities if they are alleged to be using their properties outside of the permitted land use laws. Some land and property owners may face eminent domain if the state attempts to take their property for a public use.
The Property Rights Law Firm recognizes that land issues, whether big or small, can seriously affect the rights of Florida residents. The attorneys of our firm represent individuals in a number of different property-based and real estate matters, from residential and commercial purchase agreements, to eminent domain and land use problems.
Different land and property cases will have different outcomes, and the Property Rights Law Firm offers its clients individualized support to ensure that their unique legal needs are met. A wealth of information about eminent domain, land use, and real estate law may be found on the firm’s website, which may be accessed through its real estate disputes webpage.