Fighting for property owners facing eminent domain actions
It is not unusual for a person to feel the most comfortable in their own home. While taking trips and seeing new places can be fun, many Florida residents take pride in maintaining their own properties and caring for their own residences. A home can be a source of satisfaction for a person who has worked hard to make it into what they want it to be.
Therefore, any threats that a person may face to losing their home may cause them indescribable pain and frustration. While in many cases a person’s rights in their property will be protected under the law, certain actions such as those based on eminent domain may threaten the financial, physical, and emotional investments they have made to improve their lands and structures.
Eminent domain is the permissible taking of private property by a government body. Individuals who have their land taken through eminent domain must be justly compensated for their losses, but anyone who has lost land due to eminent domain can explain how money is not enough to cover the heartbreak that comes with giving up one’s own home.
The Property Rights Law Firm zealously fights for the rights of property owners who are the subjects of eminent domain actions. Stopping an eminent domain action can be possible but certain legal strategies must be employed in order to for individuals to plead their claims. The attorneys and staff of the Property Rights Law Firm support victims of eminent domain takings all throughout Florida and are available to discuss new cases with Floridians who are afraid that they may lose their properties to unjust government actions.