Summertime tips for selling a home
Summer is a popular time to sell a home. Homeowners in Florida can take certain steps to entice buyers to give their property serious consideration. Having an open house is an effective method for giving prospective buyers an up-close look at a home. However, during the summer, it may be ideal to hold such events on days other than the weekend. For example, open houses that take place during rush hour may provide a more convenient opportunity for buyers to examine a home.
Some homeowners may want to consider advertising their open homes as a festive event. This can help make the event seem less like a sales pitch and more like a party. To improve the mood, refreshments and food can be offered.The time of day at which the event is held is also important. During the hot summer months, buyers may be more inclined to attend if the open house is held during the evening when the temperatures are typically cooler, than during the middle of the day when the temperatures tend to be at their highest.
Homeowners should also make sure to make the exterior of the home a major selling point. Amenities, like a pool in the backyard, should be highlighted. Outdoor furniture, the pool area and the patio should all be kept clean. It may be helpful to use attractive props to make the areas more inviting; lanterns, towels, cushions and string lights all can help make the exterior of the home seem more enticing.
An attorney who practices real estate law may assist clients who want to sell or purchase residential properties. The attorney may negotiate purchase prices, review purchase contracts and oversee the closings.